Our Work


Strada’s research team conducts primary and secondary research to learn what students need so that educators, policymakers, employers, innovators, funders, and others can help all students succeed beyond completion of credentials and degrees. This work can benefit first-generation students, working adults, those who struggle to afford education, students of color, and others facing barriers to quality education and training that will prepare them for success at work and in life.


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Our research explores what people say they need to succeed throughout their education and employment journey — their interest in education, their aspirations, their outcomes, the factors that help them succeed and the barriers that stand in their way.

We focus on four areas of research:

  • The choice to pursue additional education and training.
  • Students’ experiences during education and training.
  • Student outcomes, including persistence, completion, employment, and socio-economic outcomes.
  • New ways to help every student succeed.

Here is how our research is advancing the field’s thinking on how best to serve students.

The Choice to Pursue Additional Education and Training

We explore the choice to pursue additional education and training. This encompasses aspirations, expectations, barriers, and the desired supports involved in making the choice to pursue more learning.

Students Experiences During Education and Training

We examine students’ experiences during education and training to ensure that everyone involved understands what students value and how to meet their needs in ways that perpetuate their success far beyond completing a credential or degree.

Student Outcomes

We measure student outcomes — persistence, completion, employment, and socio-economic — to identify proven practices to help students succeed beyond completion. In addition to providing resources to measure and benchmark student outcomes, we evaluate the effectiveness of our own grants, investments, strategic services, engagement, and advocacy efforts.

How to Help Every Student Succeed

We conduct research to help Strada and our partners find new ways to help every student succeed through and beyond completion of degrees and credentials.

Our Team

Dave Clayton

Senior Vice President, Research

Nichole Torpey-Saboe

Vice President, Research

Andrew Hanson

Senior Director, Research

Summer Casillas

Director, Research

Melissa Leavitt

Director, Research

Jake Williams

Director, Research

Akua Amankwah-Ayeh

Research Associate

Connect With Us

We want to know how we can help bring the learner voice to your work. Let us know about opportunities to collaborate, if you have questions about the data, or if you would like us to brief your team on our research. You also can email us directly at stradaresearch@stradaeducation.org.

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