Our Priorities


Cost should not be a barrier for students working to access or complete their education.


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For many individuals, the cost of postsecondary education is a significant barrier, limiting their access to further education and the economic opportunity it can generate.

Our work to make postsecondary education more affordable focuses on partnering with states, institutions, policymakers, foundations, and other nonprofit organizations to reduce the cost of education after high school, decrease the time required to complete a degree, increase access to need-based financial aid, and advance awareness and transparency surrounding the availability of aid.

We envision a future in which quality postsecondary education programs are within everyone’s financial reach, allowing for equitable opportunity to success.

Ensuring More Students Can Access Financial Aid

The National College Attainment Network estimates prospective college students who did not complete the FAFSA missed out on $3.6 billion in Pell Grants in 2022 alone. Strada is supporting NCAN’s efforts to spread the word about upgrades to this year’s FAFSA that will delay its availability and could pose more challenges to encouraging students to complete the form.

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Providing Credit for Prior Learning

Research shows credit for prior learning saves students time and money and increases graduation rates. Providing opportunities for students to demonstrate skills and knowledge gained outside the college classroom makes education more affordable, particularly for adult learners returning to college.

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