

Providing a bird’s-eye view of the current and future job market, including all available career pathways based on interests, skills, past training, and work experience, can set learners on a path to success before they begin. Through human and technical support, navigation provides the information they need to plot a course through complex education and training systems, with improved assessments to recognize their skills and work experience and understand how to transfer those capabilities into better jobs.


Many people faced with a job transition today don’t know where to start. They enter a job search, often involuntarily, without clear information and little guidance. If they decide to pursue additional education or training on their path to a new job, they may find hundreds of options, but little to help them choose the best fit.

Before starting down their education pathway, learners can work with technical and human supports to gain a view of the current and future job market and all their available options based on their interests, learning needs, strengths, experiences, and goals. Like a universally understood map and GPS, navigation supports help learners decide where they want to go, and chart a path to their desired destination.

Navigation in Action